Worker and popular Tribunals to judge and punish all the murders and repressors of the working class and youth!

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The Liaison Committee of Communists endorse this very worthy United Front campaign to free the political prisoners, shut down the state repressive apparatus, and replace it with workers Tribunals. We encourage worker militants to rally their organizations and resources to build a campaign of action against the bosses state persecution and murder of worker militants! March 3, 2013


Down with the fake trials fabricated with false charges against the oil-workers of Las Heras and workers of Garrahan!

Trial and punishment for those responsible for the murder of the rail worker, Leonardo Andrada, witness of the massacre in Once!

Stop the attack of the bosses, TNCs, their judges and the Kirchner government against the working class!

Stop persecutions against the worker and popular fighters!

Unconditional freedom for Tapia and Claros (Jujuy) and the prisoners of the upheaval for bread in Bariloche, Rosario, and Buenos Aires! Drop immediately the charges against the 6.500 worker and popular fighters and socialist militants!

Removal of the caste of videlist-peronist-radical judges!

Worker and popular Tribunals to judge and punish all the murders and repressors of the working class and youth!

Right now, side by side the Garrahan workers and oil-workers of Las Heras, Cerro Dragon and from the Internal Bodies, Delegates Bodies and other militant organizations, it is necessary to convene a conference to set up a…

National Movement of Worker and Popular Organizations and a plan to fight against the attack and persecution of capitalists and their justice!


The murderous state and Kirchner government- representatives of the TNCs and slaver boss- need to double their attack against workers and people to continue guaranteeing the workers’ super exploitation, the pillage of nation and selling out the natural resources to the imperialist greedy.

To assure such offensive succeed against the whole exploited masses they must keep in silent- either as hostages in their jails or prosecuted by their judges-thousands of worker and popular fighters. Tapias and Claros are in jail; in Jujuy in 2011, they fought for housing and occupied for some hours the private property of the Blaquier, a family of the oligarchy and murderous bosses connected with the videlist military dictatorship!

As well, we can see how the judges keep prosecuted more than 6.500 worker and popular fighters, many of them militant delegates and activists of factories; they attack the political organizations like “Quebracho” and chase internationalist socialist leaders of Democracia Obrera.

But the iron hand against workers doesn’t stop here. The bosses through his intelligence’s service and group of tasks made Julio López and Luciano Arruga disappear; and with his repressive forces and paid gangsters, they killed comrades like Daniel Solano, Carlos Fuentealba, the immigrant workers in Parque Indoamericano, those in Ledesma Jujuy, the martyrs of the hunger upheavals on December 20, 2012 and hundred of youth in the worker neighborhoods.

And they also have the gunmen of the union bureaucracy, killers of workers, like Pedraza of the Unión Ferroviaria (Rail workers trade union) who ordered to kill Mariano Ferreyra or like Gerardo Martínez of UOCRA (Construction workers union) collaborationist during the videlist military dictatorship and permanently attacks the construction workers of the SITRAIC.

It is why because they don’t want anybody to dare raise his voice against so much sufferings our class and poor people is dealing with just in the middle of such skyrocketing inflation, wages not enough even to eat during the first ten days of the month, brutal sufferings and a life that becomes a hell for workers.

The boss justice vents his fury on it. Moreover, beyond the fact they are connected with either the Kirchner government or the right-wing “opposition”, they always defend the interests of their capitalist class.

For that reason, to give a new punishment to the militant vanguard, on March 8, from Las Heras (Santa Cruz), the same bandits financed by the oil octopus-companies have total agreement with the initiation of the fake trial against the workers: Darío Catrihuala, Ramón Cortéz, Alexis Pérez, José Rosales, Hugo González, Franco Padilla, Juan Pablo Bilbao, Pablo Mansilla, Carlos Mansilla, Daniel Aguilar, Néstor Aguilar and Rubén Gutiérrez. All of them fought for:“we are all oil workers!” for equal work, for equal payment! Down with the tax on salary!”. They were already in jail during years and suffered varied tortures. They are accused falsely of the decease of the police Sayago who died during the violent repression against workers in strike on the part of the police of Santa Cruz at the doors of the police station of Las Heras on February 7, 2006.

Besides in April as part of the same anti-worker attack, the trial against the Internal body and workers of Garrahan Hospital will start. Workers of the Garrahan Hospital fought for better salary and labor conditions, against the boss politicians and representatives who administer the cash box of the Argentinean State on account of the imperialist pirates.

Recently the rail worker Leonardo Andrada was executed, key witness in the trail against the boss TBA for the massacre in Once of the Sarmiento Railway. Leonardo Andrada was a well-known worker militant who confronted the privatizations in the ‘90s and denounced the scandalous corruption of TBA and their officials. Leonardo was going to declare that on February 22, 2012 the train was overloaded with passengers and the greedy and thirst for profits of the boss provoked the death of 51 workers. In this declaration, enterprisers and officials of the Kirchnerist government would be involved. But Andrada couldn’t say his truth before the “magistrates” since coward hired assassins, who acted under the complicity of the police and bosses ´judges, fired him four shots during the daybreak on Friday February 8.

WE CAN’T STAND ANYMORE these fake trials against worker fighters and leaders, brutal persecutions, and assassinations against the vanguard…. Workers must say it’s ENOUGH.

We cannot even dream with fighting against the fake collective agreements, the salary roof, the unregistered and slave work and for work if from the worker organizations we don’t propose as the first fighting measure to free the hostages of our class in the claws of the Kirchnerist government, the boss and imperialism. If not, with hostages in the jails of the vile regime of the Kirchner and right-wing”opposition”, workers cannot start any serious fight for our demands.

In the hands of the rail workers of Haedo, food workers of Kraft and Pepsico, workers of the meat processing plants of Paty and the others, subway workers, ceramist workers gathered in SOECN, oil workers of Cerro Dragón, the teachers’ unions, the civil servants in struggle and the militant picketer movement is the huge and immediate task of setting up a great National Movement of Worker and Popular Workers that defends effectively the chased and attacked comrades by the methods of the working class such as strikes, pickets, demonstrations, and General strike. Let’s convene immediately to create a Coordinating Table of such movement so that none worker, none socialist leader continue under the attack of this murderous state.

Stop the massacres against the working class! Dissolution of the whole repressive State’s apparatus like SIDE, Gendarmeria, Federal, Bonaerense, Metropolitan and other police of the provinces! Immediate and unconditional freedom for Tapia, Claros, and all the political prisoners! Non-prosecution, drop the charges against the 6.500 worker and popular fighters! Worker and Popular Tribunals to judge and punish all the assassins and repressors of the working class and youth!


Liga Obrera Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional (LOI-CI)

Democracia Obrera

(Worker Internationalist League- Fourth International (LOI-CI), Worker Democracy)

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