Tell the Zionist Master of Slaughter We’re Pulling the Plug!


Mohammed Salem/Reuters

Netanyahu is coming to Washington, DC Wednesday and he is going to ask for more taxpayer money. He expects it. He understands as few do outside the world of political servants of the American ruling capitalists that his colonial settler state is an American imperialist project and an extension of white supremacy by force into a region that’s the home of other peoples. 

NY Senator Schumer is not welcoming Netanyahu. Like liberal Zionist forces for whom the head of state is a preoccupation, Schumer breaks with the official non-interference position and calls for the Knesset, the Zionist parliament to remove him! This is the kind of politics where illusions are maintained, the Palestinians get neither any end to their Nakba nor even any increased aid, and the extermination of the natives continues. This is, with some not particularly likely calls for ceasefire, the program of reformism. So long as he gets the money, Netanyahu will mostly ignore these forces, and may even grandstand for his pal Trump.

A left that is frightened by how marginal they became this spring is to gather in D.C. on Wednesday, propelling the slogan “Arrest Netanyahu!” This light-mindedness reminds us of those who called for “levitating” the Pentagon at the October, 1967 anti-Viet Nam War protest. The real course of development of the campus mass movement, from simple ceasefire demands last September to wholesale adoption of BDS demands and especial Graduate Student Unions’ demands to break Universities’ ties to the war machine and all ties to Israel was objectively proletarian/revolutionary. We applaud and we want the campus unions to take these demands on the road, tackling the class-collaborating AFL-CIO Labor tops who have supported Zionism at all times. We say “Pull the Plug! Cut Israel OFF!

Take inspiration from the example of UCSD UAW Local 4811.

We call for mass mobilizations in the streets of all those who defend the Palestinians to oppose Netanyahu’s visit. Youth, students, workers….to the streets!  We particularly encourage trade unionists to build union contingents as a showing of international working class solidarity with the embattled Palestinians! The Palestinian Trade Union Federation appealed to the world’s working class to aid their struggle. 

What is desperately needed are labor actions such as hot-cargoing by port and transport workers of all military aid to the Israeli Zionist state along with labor political strikes, especially in the war industries and  across the whole labor movement, to oppose Israel’s genocidal war against Palestine. 

Stop all US military aid to Israel! Not one penny, not one bullet, not one bomb, not one plane for the Israeli state!

Victory to Palestine! 

What is lacking today internationally are revolutionary workers’ and fighting workers’ parties and a Workers International that can unify and lead the necessary worldwide struggles of today against genocidal wars, climate catastrophe and the drive towards fascist reaction. Workers of the world unite! For world socialist revolution!  

Communist Workers Group, U.S., 7/21/ 2024

More about CWG-USA

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