Marching for self-defense and against racist terror is not a crime!
Grand Master Jay, the leader of the Not Fucking Around Coalition (NFAC), a militant Black organization that stands for organized self-defense against racist attacks, was arrested and charged with allegedly “assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers or employees” for pointing his flashlight on his gun at Metro police and Federal officers.This incident occurred at a protest in downtown Louisville, KY. He faces Federal charges and up to 20 years in prison if convicted. The CWG-USA says: Drop all charges immediately! Hands off all armed anti-racist self-defense groups!
Sectarians and reformists will shun Jay for his contradictions (his anti-mask side and anti-vax conspiracy theories). His retweet of a debunked statement falsely attributed to Hitler gave ammunition to those who are accusing NFAC of being raving anti-semites. They object to his overtones of Black nationalism. But the sectarians won’t disparage Louis Farakhan, who is more popular and NOT organizing a Black militia.
The state, i.e. the Feds, don’t care a rap about this propaganda except in their gladness at Jay’s gratuitous isolation by/from both the sectarians and the craven pacifism of the reformist electoral collapse. Thus we see the entirely unhelpful denunciations of Jay Johnson by “Anti-fash AWK,” by Jake Hanrahan, of “The Popular Front” and Robbie Starbuck. These problem children have decided Jay is principally an anti-semite, and they miss the point of armed opposition to racist repression altogether. These fake left voices have found a popular excuse for their dual-standard pacifism, conveniently overlooking the 150 years of Ku Klux violence protected by an infiltrated racist state as “protected speech,” i.e. white speech with weapons. In practice these problem children oppose Black self-organization for self-defense, counterposing an idealist antifascism without contradictions which doesn’t exist.
Possibly even worse is the slander of the Black Panthers by Jack Barnes, leader of the ex-Communist Socialist Workers Party cult. He defends the actions of the Amon Bundy gang as an analogous equivalent to the 1960s Black self-defense movement. Right now Jay Johnson has been disappeared into the Federal prison system while Barnes celebrates the Bundy gang court victory as a milestone of the working class fightback against the state!
For our erstwhile “vanguard” we show the Bundys aiming rifles at Feds.
Despite Jay’s being snookered by some debunked internet conspiracy theories and fake Hitler quotes we do not buy the lie that NFAC are “anti-semites” intending violence against Jews. We know who is drawing swastikas on the Synagogues and toppling grave stones in the Jewish cemeteries It is the Trump inspired punks in white sheets and the Atomwaffen and Proud Boy thugs who lust for race war with their hatred of Jews, Arabs and other “mud people.” It is these neo fascists who are the mortal enemy of the working class. NFAC does march with white supporters and while we reject Jay thought like other rubbish consciousness we still insist he has a right to know who and where apparent snipers are posted around him. AND we denounce the state for posting them and arresting him for discovering them, even though the state’s real intent is obviously otherwise than observation for public safety purposes, i.e. to snuff Black self-defense organization exactly at the moment the bourgeois state is smiling on the rise of its fascist terror helpers. …
“The first public appearance of the NFAC was at a KKK rally in Dayton, Ohio, in 2019. Grandmaster Jay told The Atlanta Black Star that the group stood guard to prevent a repeat of the 1979 Greensboro Massacre, in which five people in North Carolina were shot and killed by Nazis and Klansmen as citizens gathered for the start of an anti-racism protest. Last month, an organization stylized as NFAC UK participated with thousands of protesters who held an anti-racism rally outside the U.S. Embassy in London as Black Lives Matter demonstrations took place in cities across the U.K.”
– Complex, Sep 2020, “What Is the NFAC, and Who Is Grandmaster Jay?”
We defend Jay from the state. We defend the right of Black community self-defense. Rubbish consciousness of every kind feeds on the masses’ healthy reflex to discount official disinformation. It takes training in historical materialism to explode it and a mass communist movement to replace it!
Flashlight felony if you are Black(?)
When Hoovers and cops, unknown persons clearly armed on an overlooking rooftop, get a surprise illumination by a flashlight, the state freaks out if the person holding the flashlight is Black. Here we see the lie of 2020 police reform. Was Jay supposed to know they were the Hoovers and cops and not Boogaloo Boys or Proud Boys taking up a sniper post? Is it normal now for the armed bodies of the state to post snipers wherever Black folks demonstrate carrying arms in open-carry states? Police reform seems to be limited to permitting the Rightists to brandish their Armalites inside the Michigan capitol building. Police continue to treat the armed Black person as a dangerous subhuman and worse when they know the Black person is a veteran.
The CWG-USA stands for militant, disciplined, trained self-defense against racist terror, whether it comes from the fascists or the cops. We seek to link the self-defense of the oppressed to the social power of the organized working class. We call for building racially integrated Labor, Black and Brown Self-Defense Guards from out of our union halls to sweep the racists from the streets.To unite the whole multi-racial working class with the struggles of the oppressed, racist cop terror should be met with mass labor-centered mobilizations and labor political strikes. For workers/oppressed tribunals, not the capitalist courts! Cops and prison guards out of our unions and labor federations!
The working class in America has always made their greatest gains when they have taken up the fight against discrimination and racism against Black people. The fight for Black liberation is the fight of the whole working class. Taking up class struggle defense of those who fight for Black liberation would go far in reversing the social reaction that is on the rise in the Trump era. A militant Labor movement would stand beside and behind every Black self-defense organization, seeing the fight against rightist reaction as a daily and comprehensive duty in every workplace and across society at large.
What is lacking most today is revolutionary working class leadership. We need a fighting Workers/Labor Party that is the tribune of the whole working class and the oppressed. A combat party of the working class would be a force for organizing struggles and provide the political leadership for the working class to realize its historic task which is the “abolition of the wages system.” Only world socialist revolution that establishes workers rule and socialism can resolve the problems of capitalist exploitation, racism, wars, pandemics and climate catastrophe.