workers power

Thailand: Defeat the Coup d’etat Polemic and Program a response to the RCIT

The RCIT analysis of the pro-Thaksin government overthrown by the Thai military invests bourgeois democracy with real democracy it never had and this is methodologically of one piece with their previous errors. The RCIT (Revolutionary Communist Internationalist Tendency) never tires of displaying their semi-Cliffite understanding of the actual democratic content of bourgeois parliamentary democracy. Everywhere they invest…

For the Bosnian Revolution

  For the Bosnian Revolution!   Bosnia is a creation of the Imperialists and that is why the multi-ethnic workers now rise up against nationalism and imperialism!   The LCC (Liaison Committee of Communists) is encouraged by and enthusiastically greets the rise of a multi-ethnic class struggle in Bosnia that seeks to undo the capitalist…

After the Woolwich attack in Britain: Stop imperialist war-drive and racism!

Re-blogged from RCIT website Socialists must not solidarize with Britain’s professional army but with the anti-imperialist resistance! Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 24.5.2013, 1.            In protest against the imperialist notorious “war on terror”, a serving British soldier was attacked and killed by two Islamist black men near an army barrack in Woolwich (South London) on…