Recent Posts

  • Not a Third Party but Our Own Fighting Workers-Labor Party!

      We know that workers are dissatisfied with choices that say, ‘you will subscribe to one or another imperialist plan while your country heads for a dark age and economic decline.’ We say, you are right to reject that model of a no future future; but you have no party that represents you. You need...
  • Your Bosses’ Parties are having an election! We’re Not!

      50,000 anti-fascist workers confronted the mounted NYPD defending the German American Bund, 1939. Smash fascism in the egg! Introduction The ideologues of capital want you to believe the elections give working people a choice over their future, but in reality the 2024 U.S. election is the ruling class choosing who will administer the decline...
  • Tell the Zionist Master of Slaughter We’re Pulling the Plug!

      Netanyahu is coming to Washington, DC Wednesday and he is going to ask for more taxpayer money. He expects it. He understands as few do outside the world of political servants of the American ruling capitalists that his colonial settler state is an American imperialist project and an extension of white supremacy by force...
  • Lula government cornered by its allies and the need for the Workers’ United Front

      The following is translated from our Brazilian comrades of the Grupo de Trabalhadores Revolucionários do Brasil (GTR-BR) The coup attempt in the first week of the government, on January 8, 2023, permeates the political arena and the 1 and a half year of Lula’s government, who governs cornered by his allies from his “Broad Front”,...

      The following is reprinted from our comrades of the Revolutionary Workers Group of Zimbabwe (Section of the International Leninist Trotskyist Tendency-ILTT) Since early last week young people have been protesting against the Finance Bill introduced by the government at the behest of the IMF and the west. The purpose of the Bill was to squeeze the...

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